corporate events
We can help you design a customized Ranch experience for your team. Email for details.
Miles Kingdon has made a living off horseback for over 40 years; from cowboying to cowboss of some of the largest cattle ranches in BC. Miles bases his riding on the Californio style of horsemanship, riding from the jaquima to the bridle. He now offers workshops on horsemanship, stockmanship, handling cattle, and ranch roping. He willingly passes on his knowledge, gained from decades of experience in the saddle, in a comfortable, easy to grasp manner; helping riders to gain confidence, to learn to prepare their horses and to understand how to communicate to the horse through his feet.

Cowgirl Re-Union
The name was chosen to reflect that “Cowgirl” part – that wonderful sassy, sweet, nurturing, highly capable grit innately that horse women possess, that may have been buried under responsibility, commitment to others, and a vague feeling of loss of self which is the Re-Union part…a re-uniting and re-balancing of all these pieces that make us whole, vital, alive, excited and connected.
To create a safe, balanced, open space of connection for women who love horses and maybe need to love, listen to, and cherish themselves more. With play, slowing down, deepening, connecting, stepping into, and expanding as vital by-words, CGR recognizes that our deep love of our horses’ has the ability to reflect truths back to us and hold us safely as we transform.